Talk of the Metropolis

Public Affairs Office Talk of the Metropolis

April - June

31st May
Mr Nicholas HO Lik-chi, Commissioner for Belt and Road, the Government of the HKSAR - Hong Kong's Participation in the Belt and Road Initiative
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30th April
Prof. Kenneth LEUNG Mei-yee, JP, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution at City University of Hong Kong - Creating Living Shorelines through Ecological Engineering
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January - March

26th March
Ms Carly LEUNG Pui-yee, Co-founder of Climate Incubator and Ms Jasmine SIU Yin-nam, Field Officer of A Plastic Ocean Foundation - Creating a Sustainable Metropolis: Nurturing Youth Leadership in Climate Action
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July - September

19th September
Ir Prof. Frank CHAN Fan, GBS, JP - Chinese Modernisation and Hong Kong
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April - June

29th June
Dr Ted SUEN, MH, Executive Director for Digital Mobility at NEOM, Saudi Arabia - Unlocking the Future of Cognitive Cities through Innovative Digital Technologies – NEOM
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25th April
Ir Aaron BOK Kwok-ming, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - From Barren Rock to Metropolis; to Greener, Smarter and Happier.
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January - March

17th March
Mr Franklin LAM Fan-keung, BBS, Founder of HKGolden50 - 2023: From Annus Horribilis to the Best Years of Hong Kong
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October - December

9th November
Prof. Jeffrey SHAW, Chair Professor of Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University –New Media Art – The Conjunction of Digital Technology and New Modes of Aesthetic Expression and Experience
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July - September

22nd September
Dr Louis NG Chi-wa, Director of Hong Kong Palace Museum – New Light on the Forbidden City: A Hong Kong Perspective
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26th July
Ms Winnie HO Wing-yin, JP, Secretary for Housing, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region – "Turning Impossible to Possible" – Construction of the Community Isolation Facilities and Beyond
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January - March

25th January
Dr Jennifer TONG Wing-sze, Field Worker of Médecins Sans Frontières - A Different Working Holiday: Around the World in 500 Days
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October - December

22nd November
Mr Richard LANCASTER, Chief Executive Officer of CLP Holdings - Race to zero: A 30-year challenge for a century-old industry
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19th October
The Honourable Paul CHAN Mo-po, GBM, GBS, MH, JP, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - The Future of Hong Kong Economy
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July - September

10th September
The Honourable Mrs Carrie LAM Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
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The OUHK Great Speakers Series is the only public lecture series that is accessible by all in Hong Kong through TV broadcasts. Esteemed speakers have been invited to share wisdom and insights, enlightening all in Hong Kong.

January - March

6th January
Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics of The Chinese University of Hong Kong - The China-U.S. Trade War and Future Economic Relations
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October - December

8th November
Prof. Edward Ng Yan-yung, Yao Lin Sun Professor of Architecture of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Founding Chairman of the Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation
We work to give life back its dignity
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July - September

15th July
Prof. Dennis Lo Yuk-ming, Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Non-invasive Prenatal Testing: from dream to reality
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April - June

30th May
Prof. Sophia Chan Siu-chee, Secretary for Food and Health
Moving towards a better health care system for Hong Kong
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9th May
Prof. Nancy Y. Ip, Vice-President for Research and Development of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
From Neuroscience Discoveries to Promoting Human Health
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October - December

18th December
Prof. Thomas Chan Man Hung, Director of One Belt One Road Research Institute of the Chu Hai College of Higher Education - The great change of the Belt and Road Initiative
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22nd November
Dr. Allan Zeman, Chairman of Lan Kwai Fong Group - The entrepreneurial journey: from garment business to Lan Kwai Fong
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31st October
Dr. Chow Pak Chin - From Couching to Femtosecond Laser, Can We Eradicate Cataract -Blindness?
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July - September

14th August
Prof. Tieniu Tan - 創科發展:全球新態勢、國家新形勢與香港新機遇 (in Chinese only)
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April - June

8th June
Prof. Hon-Ming Lam - Soybean Research: A Journey from Laboratory to Field
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11th May
The Honourable Paul Chan Mo-po - The 2018-19 Budget - An outline for future opportunities and challenges of Hong Kong economy
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January - March

27th March
Prof. Henry Tye - The Origin of Our Universe
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31st January
Ms. Lee Mei Yin - Rambling through Dunhuang
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October - December

27th October
MrFranklin Lam Fan-keung - Hong Kong's Next 5 Years - Make or Break Time
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July - September

10th August
Mr. Yim Ho - Do you eat healthily?
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4th July
Prof. C F Lee - Buddhism from a Science Perspective
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January - March

24th March
Prof. Richard Wong - An Economic Framework for Analysing Issues in Education
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27th February
Prof. Wei Shyy From Natural Flyers to Advances in Aerospace Engineering
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23rd January
Prof. Liu Zaifu - The Spiritual Divergence of the Four Chinese Masterpieces
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11th January
Deputy Commissioner Tong Xiaoling - Fresh Progress in China's Major-Country Diplomacy
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October - December

18th October
Prof. Joseph Ting - Hong Kong in Eyes of Sojourners 1839-1945
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July - September

8th September
The Hon Jasper Tsang Yok Sing - "An Executive-led Government" - a myth or reality?
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18th July
Prof. Yau Shing Tung - Magic Power of Mathematics
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April - June

10th May
Prof. Cheng Kai Ming - Education Misunderstood!
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8th April
Prof. Lee Ou Fan - A Reflected Spectrum: On the contemporary meaning of the Chinese Cultural Tradition
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January - March

1st March
Dr. Rebecca Lee & Prof. Ho Kin Chung - The Beauty of Scientific Research: The 30th Anniversary of Dr. Rebecca Lee's
Polar Expedition
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21st January
Mr. Leung Kam Chung Antony - Further Thoughts on Education
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October - December

16th December
Prof. Lin Yifu Justin - Demystifying the Chinese Economy
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7th December
Prof. Paul Chu - An Odyssey of a Chinese American Physicist
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28th November
Mr. Lo Kwok Jim - Behind the Lyrics
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29th October
Prof. Chang Hsin Kang - Silk Road: Past, Present and Future
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